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1Win an iPad 3 from Print24 ends 3/7 Empty Win an iPad 3 from Print24 ends 3/7 Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:37 pm


Win an iPad 3 from Print24 ends 3/7 Featur10

Enter to Win an iPad 3 from Print24

The grand prize of the drawing is determined by the total number of fans of the print24 Facebook page at the end of the trivia sweepstakes period. The prizes are determined as follows:

5,000 Fans – (1) iPad 3
7,000 Fans – (2) iPad 3
9,000 Fans – (4) iPad 3
10,000 Fans – (10) iPad 3

The precise configuration of the iPad model to be awarded to the winners depends on the configurations announced on the likely release date of March 7, 2012, that are available for sale in Europe. Should the iPad 3 not be released on March 7 or should European sales not start before September 1, 2012, print24 reserves the right to award an iPad 32GB with WiFi and 3G instead.


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